Thursday 24 March 2011

Creating a mock up of my school magazine.

Before I decided to create my preliminary task - the school magazine- I chose to to do a mock up firstly in pencil on a plain sheet of paper and then afterwards on the computer in Microsoft Publisher as this is how the end product would be produced. I did this just to conclude what i'd like and dislike on my magazine front cover. Here are the mock ups:
 This is the mock up I did in pencil, as you can see it is extremely basic but it did give me ideas of what I was aiming for in terms of the masthead and cover lines.

 This is the mock up I did on Microsoft Publisher after the pencil drawing. It has developed slightly with a colour scheme emerging on the banner (lilac) and places for images to accompany cover lines. As well as this I made an adjustment to the price from 50p to £1 which if created in a school would go towards the cost of printing the magazine. In my next blog will be my finished school magazine and the contents page to accompany it.

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