Tuesday 29 March 2011

Music Magazine Audience Questionnaire

To get an idea on what people would like a music magazine to look like, feature and what genre of music to focus on I sent out and audience questionnaire which I later gained feedback from. Here is the questionnaire I sent out:

Audience Questionnaire- Music Magazine
1.      1. Would you be interested in buying a music magazine?
Yes                                         No
2.       2.  What type of music do you like?
Indie                                       Rock                           Rap                             RnB
Pop                                         Metal                           Dance                                    Country
3.      3.In relation to your answer to the previous question, what would you name the music magazine?

4.      4.What’s the maximum you’d be willing to pay for the magazine?

5.      5.Would you prefer features on older or newer music?
Older Music                           Newer Music                         Mix of Both

6.      6.What features grab your attention?

7.      7.What features would you particularly not be interested in?

8.      8.Would you like the kind of language to be formal or informal?
Formal & sophisticated                                Informal & conversational

9.      9.What would be your preferred colour scheme? (maximum 4 colours)

1    10. On the front cover would you like a male or female artist/s?

11  11. On the front cover would you prefer a group/band or a solo artist?

      12.   What props would you like to see on the front cover with the band/solo artist?

      13. Where would you like the front cover image to have been taken?
White Background/Photography Studio                Outdoors

1    14. How often would you like an issue to be published?

1    15. What freebies would you expect?

1    16 Do you normally read the editors letter on the contents page? If no answer question 17.

1    17  What would make you read the editors letter?

I sent out 18 questionnaires and received 18 back.

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