Tuesday 29 March 2011

Music Magazine Questionnaire Results

After receiving all my questionnaires back I compiled the results together to make them easier to read. Here they are:

Compiling Music Magazine Questionnaire Results
Question 1: Would you be interested in buying a music magazine?
Question 2: What type of music do you like?
Indie: 9 people                       People chose more than one type of music that they liked.
Rock: 6 people          
Rap: 5 people
Dance: 4 people
RnB: 11 people
Pop: 9 people
Country: 2 people
Everything: 2 people
Question 3: In relation to your answer to the previous question, what would you name the music magazine?
·         Inside Indie                                                              
·         Beats
·         Riff
·         Top Pop
·         Music Madness
·         Tunage
·         MUSIC4U!
·         Unplugged
·         Madmag
·         Rhythm
·         RRip mUsic
·         6 people weren’t sure what to call it
Question 4: What’s the maximum you’d be willing to pay for the magazine?
Question 5: Would you prefer features on older or newer music?
Question 6: What features grab your attention?
·         New and upcoming artists
·         Favourable artists
·         Music artist gossip
·         Catchy headlines
·         Attractive people on the front cover
·         Bright colours
·         New releases
·         Interviews with celebrities
·         Celeb Gossip
·         Top 40
·         Images
·         Posters
·         Funny features
·         Main article/ main image
·         Cover stories
·         Interviews and reviews
·         New singles/ albums
Question 7: What features would you particularly not be interested in?
·         Old bands
·         Boring ones
·         Instruments
·         Gossip
·         Stats of music sales
·         Large amounts of text
·         Small pointless stories
·         Advertisements
·         Interviews with arrogant music artists
·         Interviews
·         Loads of reviews
·         Info about record labels or artists managers
Question 8: Would you like the kind of language to be formal or informal?
100% chose informal and conversational.
Question 9: What would be your preferred colour scheme? (Maximum 4 colours)
·         Orange, red, brown and yellow.
·         Green, brown, white
·         Pink
·         Black, blue and white
·         Orange, Pink, Black
·         Red, black, white X 2
·         Primary colours
·         Black, Pink, White, Red
·         black/white/pink/blue
·         white, black, purple
·         Turquoise, baby pink, baby green and yellow
·         pink, white, grey
·         black, white, blues and reds
·         Black, pink, grey
·         pink, black, white, blue
·         Blue, white
·         Black and Neon green

Question 10: On the front cover would you like a male or female artist/s?
Male:  6 people said this
Female: 3 people said this
Either: 5 people said this
Both:  3 people said this
Don’t mind: 1 person said this

Question 11: On the front cover would you prefer a group/band or a solo artist?
Either: 6 people said this
Group: 7 people said this
Solo Artist: 5 people said this

Question 12: What props would you like to see on the front cover with the band/solo artist?
  • Guitar
  • Nothing
  • Microphone
  • ‘bling’
  • Funny or comical props
  • Instruments/amps
  • Things that relate to their personality
  • Broomstick

Question 13: Where would you like the front cover image to have been taken?
Photography Studio: 11 said this would be better
Outdoors: 7 said this would be better

Question 14: How often would you like an issue to be published?
Monthly: 10 people suggested this
Weekly: 3 people said this
Fortnightly: 4 people suggested this
Seasonal: Only one person said this
Question 15: What freebies would you expect?
  • Tokens that after a certain amount are collected amount to a free ticket to a gig.
  • Offers/discounts for HMV
  • None, except if they relate to that particular issue
  • None
  • Discounts
  • Demo CD’s
  • Lip Gloss and a CD
  • Posters
  • Headphones
  • CD’s
  • Nothing- maybe just a single every now and then of the cover artist
  • Vouchers
  • Scarf
  • New Single Release
  • Signed guitar pick
Question 16: Do you normally read the editors letter on the contents page? If no answer question 17.

Question 17: What would make you read the editors letter?
  • If the editor was good-looking and the letter was directed entirely at people of our age and if it had information about upcoming concerts and gigs.
  • Make it more obvious
  • Light-hearted, chatty language
  • Straight to the point, standing out, not too long and rambly
  • Personal involvement/opinions
  • Make it more fun, possibly a few pictures
  • More humorous, less formal approach
  • Interesting related information
  • A picture of the editor smiling
  • More interesting looking page as they normally just have black/white writing and background
  • If it was short and sweet and looked appealing to read
  • Attractive colours, interesting information and images
  • If it had pictures
In my next blog will be my action plan that I devised after receiving this questionnaire results back.

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